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CART has published journal articles and papers related to the CAAF project's objectives and participated in numerous conference proceedings. These works include peer-reviewed publications, book chapters, and student theses making use of CART data.


Alam. M. J., Shahrier, H., and Habib, M. A. (2023). “Autonomous Vehicle Adoption and Shared Operations Modelling”, Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems: Technology, Planning, and Operations (under review)

Khan, N.A., Fatmi, M.R., and Habib, M.A. (2021). "Microsimulation of Long-term Vehicle Market Demand within a Prototype Integrated Urban Model", Personal and Ubiquitous Computing (under review). 

Anik, A. H., and Habib, M. A. (2023). “COVID-19 and Teleworking: Lessons, Current Issues and Future Directions for Transport and Land-Use Planning”, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, OnlineFirst

Alam, M.J., Shahrier, H., Anik, M. A. H and Habib, M.A. (2022) “Activity-Based Integrated Modelling for Assessing COVID-19 Pandemic Impacts on Transport Operations and Emissions”, Transportation Letters, pp. 1-14

Alam, M. J., Shahrier, H., Anik, M. A. H., & Habib, M. A. (2022). “Activity-based integrated modelling for assessing COVID-19 impacts on transport operations and emissions”, Transportation Letters, 1-14.

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